, pub-9699623993937054, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Jio Space Fiber: Satellite internet for all 2023 – Web rank Genius

Jio Space Fiber: Satellite internet for all 2023


At this year’s IMC (Indian Mobile Congress 2023) event, Jio introduced its new service, Jio Space Fiber. But very few people know What is Jio Space Fiber? About this. So, in today’s article, we will learn about everything big and small related to Jio Space Fiber technology.

By the way, for your information, the basic objective of this technology is to provide internet service to the most remote areas of India, which are often very backward. Jio Space Fiber uses satellite-based gigabit fiber technology, so it can provide internet service even in isolated areas.

At the same time, Jio also plans to roll out this new service to all locations across the country, that too at a very affordable price. Let’s see how our country can benefit from this new Jio Space Fiber technology. For complete information about Jio Space Fiber, you need to read this post completely. Then let’s begin.

What is Jio Space Fiber technology?

Jio Space Fiber is based on such a satellite Broadband Internet Service With the help of this, the internet can be easily provided in the backward and hinterland of India. Jio Space Fiber is specially designed to provide high-speed Internet access to remote areas of India that do not have access to fiber optic or wireless networks.

It uses a constellation of Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites to provide Internet connectivity to users. It was introduced by Jio a few months back Jio AirFiber Wireless Broadband The service is currently available only in select cities.

Jio Space Fiber currently provides speeds of up to 1 Gbps, which is better and faster than traditional internet services. At the same time, it is expected to have very low latency for live performance such as video conferencing.

The Jio Space Fiber service will be available to both residential and commercial users, while its cost will be much lower than other internet services.

service Jio Space Fiber
Technology Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) satellite technology.
the speed Up to 1 Gbps
started with Jio and SES (at IMC 2023)
Contender Starlink (Elon Musk)
cost That
available Gir, Gujarat
Korba, Chhattisgarh
Nabarangpur, Odisha
Jorhat, Assam
The main objective 450 million Indians (remote location)

What are the key features of Jio Space Fiber?

Let’s see what are the key features of Jio Space Fiber…

high speed

Its speed can be up to 1 Gbps, which is very fast compared to other traditional satellite internet services.

Low latency

It is going to have very low latency for online gaming and other applications that require real-time performance.

Wide coverage

Jio Space will extend fiber to almost all Indians, even to remote areas where fiber optic or wireless networks are still unavailable.

Competitive Pricing

Jio Space is expected to keep fiber prices very competitive. Because of this, people will not find it difficult to buy it.

Seeing and knowing all this, it seems that Jio Space Fiber is gearing up to bring a big change by providing Internet access to every home across India.

Where is Jio Space Fiber service available?

Currently, this service is going through its initial phase, however, it is being tested in the form of beta testing in some remote locations in India.

This beta testing is currently in the testing phase in all four of these areas.

  • Gir, Gujarat
  • Korba, Chhattisgarh
  • Nabarangpur, Odisha
  • Jorhat, Assam

How Much Will Jio Space Fiber Cost?

Jio has not officially announced anything about the price of Jio Space Fiber. However, it is expected to be more competitive and it will be less compared to the existing internet service providers.

The company has not yet given any information on when the service will be available to the public. The company has not given any specific information about the price. However, the brand claims that users can enjoy internet connectivity at an affordable price. Because the benefit of this service is mainly to the people of the village.

Jio Space Fiber Vs Starlink

Jio Space Fiber, it seems, belongs to Elon Musk Starlink They seem to be heavily inspired by global players. While Starlink popularized its satellite internet for global coverage across the world, it seems like Reliance Jio is trying to implement the same concept in India.

In India, I think Starlink will be far behind in competing with Jio Space Fiber. Because Jio’s already strong hold in this market will give it an added edge in pricing. Jio is also leading in the government elections.

How much does Jio Space Fiber cost?

The price of Jio Space Fiber has not been officially fixed yet.

Where in India Jio Space Fiber service launched?

Jio Space Fiber service is being tested in four locations in India. It was launched in Gir (Gujarat), Korba (Chhattisgarh), Nabarangpur (Odisha) and Jorhat (Assam).

What types of satellites are used for Jio Space Fiber?

Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites are used for Geo Space Fiber.


I expect you What is Jio Space Fiber? Must have complete knowledge about. Ever since the news of Jio Space Fiber, there seems to be a lot of awareness about digital services across India. With Jio Space Fiber, it is trying to revolutionize internet services by taking on previous services like Jio Fiber and Jio AirFiber.

With this coming, the people who did not get internet service till now will get the full benefit of it. Jio Space Fiber increases internet access in rural and remote areas. With this, a new way of thinking is starting in the direction of digital rights in India.

If you still have any doubts in your mind regarding the information about Jio Space Fiber, you can leave a comment below and ask us your questions.

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